Friday, March 14, 2014

Introducing "Louis"

I have not written again in a short time. That is to say, I have had more pressing concerns. The chief of these being the unknown person now sharing my home with me. He attempted to allow himself to be taken elsewhere originally, but had some… difficulties.

Speaking of difficulties…there are some difficulties with the blog. They are truly baffling and asking around has revealed no answer the problem. I’ve e-mailed the company itself, but no response quite yet.

More importantly, on the off chance that someone out there knows of someone missing, I thought I would introduce him. When all I have to tell you is his name (and for some reason he does not want me to say his last name, he is afraid of being “googled” and is unable to explain what that means or why it scares him) and a physical description it is not necessarily very much of an introduction.

However, this blog was created in response to him, a mystery. I hope, that in time, he will write here too and perhaps help unravel this mystery. I suppose I would have to explain the Irdi Field to him first… but not many people believe in it, he might simply think me mad.

Either way, he says his name is Louis. I had to have him spell that for me, I’ve never met anyone with that name. When I first saw him I assumed he was in his mid to late teens but the more opportunity I have to observe him, I would actually guess older. He has not remembered yet and seems a little confused when I ask.

His hair is a very light shade of brown and eyes an unusual though not unheard of color, blue. He is rather pale… actually very pale. Being about the same myself I recognize it for what it is, a sign of being inside often. There are other signs I recognize in him… though they are more in his behaviors and actions and are indicative of isolation. I toyed with the idea that he may be mentally unstable, surely all the signs are there with words that I occasionally cannot understand there is a reason to consider it, but even so it does not explain why I cannot find him within the field.

He is often very withdrawn and has gone for hours without speaking or moving, he is slow, as if scared or unable to act quickly or take initiative. This does seem to suggest some sort of issue partially in his mind. I do not know how to help.

For now I have a house guest I cannot entirely understand and yet find myself unable to turn out. 

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