Sunday, April 5, 2015

End Game Scenario

There was so much else to show you. So much else to tell. I meant to have all of this written up and to let you understand what I have experienced and why I am doing what I am going to do. By the time this post goes up, resolution will have been achieved. Cards on the table, honesty and bluntness. This world has been through political, financial and ecological hell. It is no longer the place I was dropped by this thing, this creature that has come thrice to check up on me since it left me here. This thing that scared me from one side of my home country to the other and back home again.

This world is different... so cards on the table.

The person trying to contact me several weeks ago on this blog was not a member of the groups I had labeled “Spooks.”

It took me a while to figure out that it was Ruyani.

At the time, I and my counterpart were on the other side of the world.

God, I wanted to do you all the service of telling you everything but I don't think I'll ever have the chance now and I fear that when this is done you will never see anything else on this blog. If this works the way I hope it does, I will post on The Commune Voice....

If it works out the way Holmes and Watson say it will, then I will die.

If the Tall Faceless One doesn't come at all, I don't know how much longer before the world is torn apart.

I am living in Ruyani's home now, with her, my counterpart, his brother and Holmes and Watson both. The spooks are defunct, powerless. There have been three different governments in control of this territory in the last month. This world was not technologically inferior to my own but it had progressed so differently. Now it is laid low, so to speak. I haven't seen a car in a week, because it is completely impossible to get gasoline. There are a handful of radio stations functioning and it's all either propaganda or news. Television, rare a thing as it is, is completely useless now, no stations seem to be running. I have no idea what the rest of Terr is like right now. For all that we can be certain about, Terr might as well not extend beyond the borders of Ruya's property.

Ruya is physically well but has not been the same since waking up. I've spent the last three weeks trying to tell her everything I've learned during all of this, especially about her grandfather and what he stood for, who he really was. I wanted to tell you all of this, too. Ewan was an interesting man and as far as I can gather something this world has never seen before. Ruya has only just begun to realize her legacy and what she means.

That's all behind me now.

I'm going to the spot in her yard where she found me, where it dropped me. I am going to wait there until I starve to death or I am taken home.

Watson and Holmes (those are not their real names but I am too lazy to ask them how to spell those) claim that from time to time people get yanked even from this world. Sometimes they come back but under no circumstances are they found alive. A week before I came , a man named Mark was found dead clutching a rewritable CD and a letter. Apparently he was chased by something too. So I recognize that most likely this is the last thing I will ever write.

At the same time, I want to have some hope that I will be able to post over on The Commune Voice some day again.

That being said, I've made some arrangements in case the spooks are right.

Assuming she does not hear from me in any manner, I've asked Ruya to consider making a final post in whatever form. Internet is... well, let's just say Thank God for hotspots.

I had so much else to give you, to tell you, to let you learn what I learned about this world that I have found myself a part of for so long.

I want a chance at seeing my brother and maybe letting this world right itself, balance out.

The universe wants to correct the mistake that is me.

So it now makes me wonder... what is going on back home in our world, where I am missing.


  1. This is, in a word, bizarre.

    I have so much to say about what I've found here. I am safe but cold.

    The photos on the dresser resemble you so much, Zeke. His Shaun is a perfect match for you, as he was for me. Zeke, I have three things to say to you.

    1. My brother, I love you.
    2. I am gone. Accept that now and maybe even forgive me one day. Forgive Louis too. He played no hand in this.
    3. Stick to Louis and Ruyani. They have a hell of a life ahead of them and they're going to need your help if Ruya's 'prophecies' can be counted as real. You can play a hand in shaping the world. Start now. The same goes for all of you.

    If you ever see mum again, tell her I'm dead. She'll never believe the truth and it will hurt less than for her to think you are lying.

  2. Louis:

    I will find your brother and his lovers and send them your care. I'll tell them what has happened and then, if it looks as if they can accept it, I will look after him as I would ask you to look after Zeke. Also, I'm sorry about your head. Listen to Ruya, tell her everything you've ever told me and help her. You know what she can do and you know what Terr needs. My world is in ruins, you can fix that. As for your own, it is no longer your concern. Try to remember that. This was the only way that you could live. I am here, at the community you used to live in and I have loaded up The Commune Voice on your computer, though it took some digging around to find it. I will post a message there for anyone who may be wondering after you. Move on, Louis. It's too late now.

  3. Ruya:
    It is going to be years before our world returns to stable. You and Louis are going to be in hell for some time... he's going to need you more than ever. I suppose, would I in his place. But here in this world I have noone. You once said you looked into the field to try to understand me better but you never would tell me what you knew. This is it, isn't it? I was always going to do this. You are the next step for our world. You're a moderately intelligent woman with abilities that you now know how you can learn about. You need to learn them and use them. Start at the local level, organize an alliance among other survivors and go form there. You and Louis have enough charisma between you to rise to the top.

    If politics truly upsets you try the more metaphysical or spiritual route. You need to assert yourself. You know what you are and what you represent. Trust the agency now, make LOUIS trust the agency now. You know they've got nowhere else to go. The Confederates are not going to be able to hold our area for long. You need to step up now.

  4. I am no longer going to torture myself this way. If all goes well, this is the end. I will not promise that I will live well or live long... but I love you people.
