Friday, March 28, 2014

The Blog Has Problems

I know it has been rather a long silence. That is alright. Sometimes long pauses are simply the vehicle for deep thought. This was not exactly the case, this time. See, the longstanding problem with my blog has yet to be fixed. There has also been the matter of tending to my new roommate. He has not had much luck in recovering his memories and the two times that I have attempted a guided meditation or hypnotic technique he has had adverse reactions. The first time I simply tried a visual of opening a book and attempting to read it, retrieve what it says inside. The result was a long period of him doubting whether this would work. Well, there is no way to meditate when you're busy doubting the worth of it.

So I did indeed put him under.

When I tried to recall the memories that time, I still tried a guided imagery technique but he simply began to babble nonsense words and shake. Looking back now, I believe it was out of fear. That was disturbing enough, he was not well for a couple of days after. It was the second attempt, when I used a more direct, forceful approach that truly scared me. I have never seen him show much irritation or any signs of violence but after several minutes of directly questioning him about his past, trying to push him to remember, he rose from his seat and struck me. It was only one hit but it was enough that, I'm afraid to say, I did not want to continue. He held no memory of the attack after I snapped him out of it. Indeed as soon as he punched me he simply sat back down and looked the other direction as if nothing had happened.

I'm all for the consideration that the genders are equal, but all the same I recognize that I am a small woman and he is, while not very large, a larger man. The one hit took the wind out of me. He apologizes profusely for it and has taken to cleaning the house or having lunch ready by the time I come home from work. I have forgiven it but he has not.

As for the issue with the blog it is a bit complicated.

I can access the interface to write my post and make it. I can even edit prior posts through it, alter its appearance. Yet, when I go to the address to read it, click on a link in the interface to go to the page, anything of the sort, it does not exist. It is not there. The company has no explanation for me, but I know that the account is out there and it is getting views. What is very odd is that the sites it lists as sources for these views do not exist.

So I am wondering if it is not some sort of error... I have to ask, is there anybody out there?

Perhaps someone who knows who Louis is, what it means to be 'googled' or what Amarika is? It is the only fact about himself he has recovered so far. He is from a place he calls Amarika. I have tried to find such a place on a map but it doesn't exist. It forces me to confront the old worry that I am living with a mad man.  

1 comment:

  1. its spelled america.its south of canada and north of mexico
